New look for CloudSensei!

I am very pleased to announce that CloudSensei has a new look — specifically a new logo and new color scheme — thanks to the work of my talented assistant Joyce.

When I first created the CloudSensei logo, I was trying to capture the themes of Cloud Computing (hence “Cloud”) and the wisdom of a Sensei or Teacher, since CloudSensei is an expert in Cloud Computing, mainly AWS, with more than 6 years of architecting and building solutions and more than 25 years experience in IT Infrastructure, Networking, and Security.

Selecting a cloud was easy as clouds are highly recognizable in technology for cloud computing. With many choices and styles, I went with a simple basic style. But my original choice for the Sensei was more like a Ninja than a Master. Though Ninjas are masterful, it wasn’t portraying wisdom in the way I desired. CloudSensei isn’t a warrior of technology though that is an interesting approach.

As for the color theme, I originally selected green as the base as green is a color of tranquility and luck. While it seemed ideal initially, it was clear that a refresh was needed.

Overall I wasn’t satisfied with the original logo anymore and it didn’t really portray the CloudSensei message effectively.

After many iterations on new ideas with my very talented and creative assistant, Joyce, we settled on the new logo! The Clouds and the Sensei have a modern feel while the new base color Blue, which represents introspective journeys and symbolizes wisdom and depth of understanding, better captures CloudSensei as your trusted partner through your entire Cloud Transformation Journey. I hope you like the new logos as much as I do!

New CloudSensei Logo
Previous CloudSensei Logo